16 September 2010

What’s the difference?

To-mA-tO, to-mah-tO; po-tA-tO, po-tah-tO. The only difference is the pronunciation, otherwise the two are the same.  Christian, non-Christian; believer, unbeliever.  What is the difference here?  There should be one.  Is there?  If not, then something is terribly wrong.

No, people may not be able to tell you’re a Christian the second they meet you.  However, they might be able to tell that you aren’t one by what you have on (or don’t have on!).  Do you dress as a Christian ought—modestly?  Modesty according to God’s standards, not the world’s. (1 Tim. 2:9c,10).  Modesty applies not only to women, but to men as well.

Let’s say that you’re dressed modestly.  Now you have a conversation with this person you have just met.  No, they may not be able to tell you’re a Christian from your discussion.  But they will be able to tell you’re not by your speech.  Do you use inappropriate language (swearing/cussing, sexual, etc.)?  Do you gossip, lie, speak of inappropriate topics, or speak ill or make fun of other people? (Ps. 19:14, 34:13; Prv. 10:11, 15:4; Jer. 15:19; Mt. 15:18; Jas. 1:26; Col 4:6; Ti. 3:2).  You should be one of pure speech, building up and not tearing down, speaking gently and with love.

Ok, so you’re dressed decently and your speech is pure.  Because you’ve hit it off and become somewhat of friends, you meet with this person often.  No, they still may not be able to tell you’re a Christian by this time.  But they may be able to see that you’re not by what you do.  How do you treat people?  What activities do you do or suggest?  Where do you go or suggest going?  What is your attitude and reaction to what others say or do, or to certain situations?  Basically, how do you live your life? (Mt. 12:33; Col. 3:17, 4:5; 1 Thes. 4:7; Ti. 1:16; Jas. 1:22; 1 Pet. 2:12, 1:15-16).  You should live a holy life, pleasing to God.

We’ll say you are a modest dresser, pure speaker, and good in deed and action.  No, they may not be able to tell or know you’re a Christian.  But they will know that something is DIFFERENT.  And they may ask you about it.  Then you can explain that the difference stems from what is inside you—that having accepted Christ as your Savior and Lord, you are a new creation having been born again, and it is Christ that lives in you.  So, you can tell them, and they will know.

Be different.

Niki Ƹ>Ï<Ʒ

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