24 September 2010

Islam’s Peace

As Christian’s, we want all people to come to a saving knowledge of Christ.  We don’t want anyone to go to hell and suffer eternally; rather, we want them to accept Christ as their Savior and Lord and live with Him eternally.  We want that for Buddhists, Mormons, Jehovah’s Witnesses, other cultists, and yes, Muslims. The difference between all these is that Muslims are the ones that display violence to all unlike them; who attempt to take control of all nations and, for Allah, kill all who don’t comply or who don’t convert to Islam.

It is imperative to be educated about the religions of the world.  It is crucial to know how and why they tick, not only to be able to better witness to them, but also to prevent their filling our heads with falsities and leading the ignorant astray. 
Islam is so unlike Christianity.  Christianity is the Truth; Islam is a lie.  A true Christian will go to heaven when they die because they repented and accepted Christ’s ultimate sacrifice for them; a Muslim will go to hell when they die because they deny Christ as who He is.  This alone is the reason…not because they murder and maim, torture and lie. 

I’m not going to begin to imply that I’m an expert in Islam.  However, I know enough to realize that what we are told by the mainstream media and other Muslims are outright lies that don’t begin to touch on the truth.  At the end of this post will be videos and articles that will provide more insight into Islam.  They will unpleasantly surprise you.
First thing’s first: Islam’s god is not God.  God and Allah are not the same.  God is loving, just, merciful, and forgiving (Jn. 3:16; 1 Tim. 2:4); Allah is hateful, vindictive, murderous, and unforgiving (Surah 3:140; 4:107, 168-169; 5:49; 40:10).  We can know God and have a relationship with Him (Jn. 17:3; Jas. 4:8); Allah is unknowable and it is blasphemous to speak of knowing him.  

There is absolutely no similarity between Mohammed and Jesus Christ.  As much as the Qur’an hints about Jesus’ divinity, Muslims deny it and claim that Jesus was simply a messenger and thereby denying the triune God.  Christ is divine; Mohammed is dead.  Christ is compassionate, loving, giving, loving even those who hated Him, and was sinless and perfect on earth; Mohammed was a hateful, greedy, violent, perverted, pedophile.

Muslims will say they are violent only when attacked—they say they are defensive. This is simply a lie. Besides demonstrating blatant violence, Muslims will push and push, doing everything they can, using deception, stealth, and violence, to make a nation go on the offensive so they can “defend” themselves and kill the infidel…all to impose Shari’a.  Muslims are obligated to be ruthless in instituting Shari’a law.  

The Qur’an is very contradictory.  In itself, it explains that if there are two passages that contradict each other, the one that was written later supersedes the one written earlier (Surahs 2:106; 16:101; 17:86).  The messages about peace and tolerance were all written early in Mohammed’s life.  The later Surahs speak of violence.  So where’s this peace we’re always hearing about when they speak of Islam?  Well, as one of the videos explains, the peace of Islam will come only when Islam dominates and every nation is under Shari’a law.  Until then, there will be no worldly peace in regards to Islam.  Peace can be obtained only through Jesus Christ, the giver of true internal peace. 

We must not let Islam further itself in our country.  You may ask, “How can we stop it?”  Well, I must say that it makes it even more difficult when the president himself is Muslim.  But it can be done and we must try.  One thing is prayer.  Never cease praying for this nation and specifically for the leaders of this nation, as well as for all those blinded to the truth.  Another thing, know what you’re talking about; educate yourself on Islam and other influential and equally harmful religions.  Know the Bible so you can better refute those who are in opposition to it.  Also, become involved in politics as much as is necessary in an attempt to influence those responsible for instituting laws…your phone call or email may change their minds.  And, VOTE!

With all love in Christ,

Niki Ƹ>Ï<Ʒ (Please see below for videos and articles for further study).

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ib9rofXQl6w&feature=player_embedded   Three Things About Islam
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NQOCcx5V9RI&feature=related  Geert Wilders Warning to America, Part 1 (he’s not a very good speaker—very choppy speech—but he’s brilliant)
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wdX1qpCtlh8&feature=related    Geert Wilders Warning to America, Part 2
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7ZyXkiQ-vn0&feature=related Geert Wilders Brilliant Speech
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ppTo-TTtJQo  Sharia Law in America             
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L7iHxl90CD0&feature=related  Sharia in America, Part 2     
http://www.jihadwatch.org/2008/03/here-is-fitna.html  Fitna, the movie
http://www.cnsnews.com/news/article/75520  National Security Experts: Shariah Law Is 'Preeminent Totalitarian Threat of Our Time'                                                   
http://www.studytoanswer.net/islam_myths.html Ten Myths About Islam 

16 September 2010

What’s the difference?

To-mA-tO, to-mah-tO; po-tA-tO, po-tah-tO. The only difference is the pronunciation, otherwise the two are the same.  Christian, non-Christian; believer, unbeliever.  What is the difference here?  There should be one.  Is there?  If not, then something is terribly wrong.

No, people may not be able to tell you’re a Christian the second they meet you.  However, they might be able to tell that you aren’t one by what you have on (or don’t have on!).  Do you dress as a Christian ought—modestly?  Modesty according to God’s standards, not the world’s. (1 Tim. 2:9c,10).  Modesty applies not only to women, but to men as well.

Let’s say that you’re dressed modestly.  Now you have a conversation with this person you have just met.  No, they may not be able to tell you’re a Christian from your discussion.  But they will be able to tell you’re not by your speech.  Do you use inappropriate language (swearing/cussing, sexual, etc.)?  Do you gossip, lie, speak of inappropriate topics, or speak ill or make fun of other people? (Ps. 19:14, 34:13; Prv. 10:11, 15:4; Jer. 15:19; Mt. 15:18; Jas. 1:26; Col 4:6; Ti. 3:2).  You should be one of pure speech, building up and not tearing down, speaking gently and with love.

Ok, so you’re dressed decently and your speech is pure.  Because you’ve hit it off and become somewhat of friends, you meet with this person often.  No, they still may not be able to tell you’re a Christian by this time.  But they may be able to see that you’re not by what you do.  How do you treat people?  What activities do you do or suggest?  Where do you go or suggest going?  What is your attitude and reaction to what others say or do, or to certain situations?  Basically, how do you live your life? (Mt. 12:33; Col. 3:17, 4:5; 1 Thes. 4:7; Ti. 1:16; Jas. 1:22; 1 Pet. 2:12, 1:15-16).  You should live a holy life, pleasing to God.

We’ll say you are a modest dresser, pure speaker, and good in deed and action.  No, they may not be able to tell or know you’re a Christian.  But they will know that something is DIFFERENT.  And they may ask you about it.  Then you can explain that the difference stems from what is inside you—that having accepted Christ as your Savior and Lord, you are a new creation having been born again, and it is Christ that lives in you.  So, you can tell them, and they will know.

Be different.

Niki Ƹ>Ï<Ʒ

10 September 2010

Why (Not) Drink?


This word produces different thoughts, feelings, memories, and actions for everybody. A question that is discussed often is whether or not Christians should consume alcoholic beverages. Let’s see what Scripture says. First, from what I’ve discovered in my research, wine is the only alcoholic drink mentioned in the Bible (“strong drink” is simply “strong wine”), not beer, or hard liquor.

No logical person can argue that getting drunk is wrong. Ephesians 5:18 says plainly, “And do not get drunk with wine, for that is debauchery, …(See also 1 Cor. 6:10; Gal. 5:21). However, as Bible abiding Christians, we cannot deny the fact that use of wine (nothing else) is not condemned in the Bible. In fact, it is sometimes suggested (1 Tim. 5:23). Some people, such as priests and kings…those in great leadership positions, are told not to drink [wine] at all (Lev. 10:9; Prv. 31:4-5), while others are told to limit their intake (1 Tim. 3:2-3; Ti. 2:3). The big question though, regardless of the acceptance of wine in the Bible, isn’t, Can we as Christians drink? (for everything is permissible); the question is, Should we drink? (for not everything is beneficial). NO.

Many Christians who argue vehemently that drinking is fine, as long as it’s done in moderation, are most often those that simply want to drink. Outside of the Bible, the fact that so many experts say that having one glass only of alcohol per day (for women, two for men) is good for the heart, and can even stave off dementia and diabetes, (along with the fact that some beers contain a mineral that promotes good bone health), seemingly gives people an argument to use to justify drinking. The most common Scripture references used in an attempt to justify drinking is that Jesus turned water into wine (John 2:1-11), that Paul admonished Timothy to have a glass of wine rather than water (1 Tim. 5:23), and the belief that wine was served at the Lord’s Supper (Mt. 26:26-29; Mk. 14:22-25; Lk. 22:19-20).

Regarding first and briefly the assumed benefits of moderate drinking, it appears that even experts disagree. The disadvantages seem to outweigh the alleged good when it comes to wine consumption (please see[1] and [2] below for more info). Eat a healthy diet, exercise, don’t smoke or do drugs—that’s enough protection. Consume calcium for your bones and anti-oxidants from other sources, or take supplements. Drinking alcohol is not the answer to your health concerns.

Yes, Jesus turned water into wine. Let’s look at a few things. We know that wine is not condemned, but this passage is not an invitation for all Christians to jump into the wine bottle. Wine was a staple of the diet of the people of Israel in the times of the Bible. Did Jesus drink the wine? There is absolutely no indication that He did, nor is there any biblical reference to His ever drinking wine (we will talk about the Last Supper later). Also, think of the purpose of what He did. Weddings were all about the bride and groom; in this passage, neither are important (the bride isn’t even mentioned). The focus is on the miracle, Christ’s first sign, not the wine. Imagine the impact His act had on those servants who filled those jars with water, only to see wine fill the cups. He “manifested his glory. And his disciples believed in him” (v. 11).

As far as Paul telling Timothy to have wine…it was for medicinal purposes and certainly doesn’t tell us as Christians to start drinking wine just because we want to or we have a belly ache. Again, wine was a staple. They didn’t have the medical knowledge or technology that we have today. Who knows, Timothy probably only needed some Pepto!

The Lord’s/Last Supper. It is true that Christ and His disciples had “fruit of the vine” in the cup. Many do believe this was fermented grape juice=wine. However, J. Vernon McGee makes a good point about it being the Passover. The Passover is the time of the Feast of Unleavened Bread. Why would they eat unleavened bread but drink leavened (fermented) grape juice? It’s a very good point. Also, the word “wine” was never used in the Lord’s Supper passages as it is elsewhere, only “cup” and “fruit of the vine” were used. But in the end, we simply do not know if it was truly wine, or simply juice.

What Christians really want to look at is their witness, rather than their wants or even the fact that they are “allowed” to drink wine. Ask yourselves some questions. Why (what are your motives?), where, and when do you drink? Do you drink for the supposed health benefits? Take supplements, exercise, and eat healthily, then you don’t “need” to drink. Do you drink in public? Why? If anywhere, drinking should take place in your home. Do you drink every day/night, at certain times/occasions? Why, is it habit? What do you drink? Do you stick to wine? Or do you get into the beer and hard stuff? Why? How much do you drink? Do you drink in “moderation”?

And most importantly, what kind of image do you portray when you drink or buy alcoholic beverages? This last question is the absolute key to why we should not drink. We are told not to be stumbling blocks for people (Rom. 14:19-21; 1 Cor. 8:9; 2 Cor. 6:3-4). If your drinking causes anyone to question Christianity, God, salvation, whether or not they would want to be a Christian, or causes them to look badly on or think badly about Christianity and God, or anything else negative, then your drinking is wrong. What impression do you think you give when you buy alcohol? Buying alcohol never has a positive effect on Christianity. The image alcohol portrays is one of drunkenness and lack of self control; both are opposites of what we as Christians are told to possess. We as Christians are responsible for how we express Christ in us. We should live our lives carefully and in a way that people see God through us, to bring people to God and to glorify Him. Our lives should be lived differently from those who are not Christians. What is your witness?

Make wise choices depending on your circumstances. If there is any possibility of pushing someone away from God, confusing them, or causing them to think negatively about God and His people, then don’t have that drink. But, you never truly know how your drinking will influence or affect someone else, which is why it’s better to just leave the alcohol alone. No good can come from it.

God Bless,

Niki Ƹ>Ï<Ʒ

[1] Rabin, Roni Caryn. “Alcohol’s Good for You? Some Scientists Doubt It.” June 15, 2009. The New York Times online.

[2] Nelson, Sue. “Alcohol: Is it really good for you?.” June 8, 2009. BBC News online.